Hunter Truck- Buffalo Sells First EV to Page Trucking

Apr 12, 2024

Hunter Truck is pleased to announce that our dealership in Buffalo, NY has completed the sale of their first zero-emission truck, a 2024 Peterbilt 579EV, to customer, Page Trucking in Weedsport, NY.

The Peterbilt Model 579EV is a Class 8 battery-electric truck that is part of Peterbilt’s line of alternative powertrains. The 579EV sports a zero-tailpipe-emission battery-electric powertrain system which delivers high performance, efficient operation, and lower overall maintenance. With frequent starts and stops to engage regenerative braking, this truck is ideal for regional haul and dray applications. Interested in more information about Peterbilt’s line of zero- emissions vehicles? Check out our webpage!  

Peterbilt 579 EV outside of Page Trucking

“Page Transportation is proving that zero-tailpipe-emission transportation is a reality today.  Hunter Truck is proud to partner with the teams at Page Transportation and Peterbilt to bring the benefits of these vehicles to the communities we serve,” said Paul Fehn, Director of Electric Vehicles at Hunter Truck.

The purchase of this Peterbilt 579EV is supported with $185,000 through the New York Truck Voucher Incentive Program (NYTVIP), administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) which supports the State’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050. Reducing emissions from medium and heavy-duty vehicles lowers pollution and improves health in communities, particularly in highly congested areas.

NYSERDA Program Manager of Clean Transportation Adam Lomasney said, “NYSERDA is proud to support Page Trucking’s purchase of a zero-emission Peterbilt Model 579EV from Hunter Truck through the New York Truck Voucher Incentive Program. Adding more electric trucks to fleets means cleaner air for New Yorkers and less pollution in our communities which helps meet New York State’s climate and clean energy goals.”

Page Trucking, a multi-generational entrepreneurial family company, has been aiding customers in a variety of haul commodities like metal, hazardous materials, and more for the past 49 years.

“As most companies do, we started building one truck at a time,” said Piper Titus, co-owner of Page Trucking. Since its start almost 50 years ago, Page Trucking now operates over 400 trucks and 1,200 trailers. Page Trucking moved from Cato, NY to Weedsport, NY in the early 1980’s and, in 2021, proudly re-opened their headquarters there with a new state-of-the-art facility.


Today, they serve more than 1,200 customers across multiple industries including manufacturing, environmental services, farming, and more. Piper and her brother Dan, both co-owners of Page Trucking, attribute their company’s success to the shared success of their surrounding community. Over a decade ago, they started a loan program that is designed to help first time truck or trailer owners, or owner operators, purchase their first new truck. Through this program Piper, Dan, and the entire Page Trucking team are proud to see that program recipients are finding their own success.

Page Trucking group photo in front of the Peterbilt 579 EV


“I can’t count the times that Dan, myself, and others at the business took a risk and saw where it gave us more information, understanding, positioning, and freedom,” Piper said, regarding how the loan program has helped change the lives of its recipients.


Side view of the Peterbilt 579 EV



Peterbilt’s reputation for manufacturing the highest quality products led Page Trucking to the Peterbilt 579EV.  The similarities between the Model 579EV and the traditional Model 579 also aid drivers in the transition from operating a diesel-powered truck to an electric one. With a 579EV in their fleet, Page Trucking plans to benefit from increased uptime, reduced maintenance, and fuel savings.

We’re proud to partner with Page Trucking on their Peterbilt Model 579EV! For more information on zero emissions solutions visit our webpage.

Hunter Truck’s mission is to build long-term relationships by providing excellent products and services that reflect value, integrity, and teamwork. Being true to that mission today demands recognizing the importance of reducing emissions and promoting sustainability. Hunter Truck is committed to honoring our core mission while helping our customers navigate their transition to zero-emissions transportation.


Check out our walkaround video highlighting the features of the 579EV!

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